Friday, July 1, 2011

African Cowboy

Took this picture a few days ago. That's a real, live crocodile I'm touching in Cape Coast right next to where we eat our meals. There was a lot going through my head in this pic. I was really excited to touch a crocodile, but also freaking out because its a crocodile and everything in me tells me I'm an idiot for getting close to it. Totally worth it.

Ride 'em Cowboy
Off to Kumasi, the heart of Asante country.


  1. Hi Jack,

    Mary and i are headed to Humarock tomorrow. Wish you were going to be there. I love following your blog and read it everyday. What were you thinking!!! Petting a crocodile!!!!

    Cathy and Mary

  2. This is a test to see if we can post another comment. Uncle Bubba and Steven are coming over for dinner tonight. There is a new bar on 116th St. It's grand opening was tonight. Cathy and I were there for the event. It has a huge outdoor patio. It was packed. They were in a wait after being open for only 1 hour. Cathy's neighborhood is a boom town.


  3. Jack, it's usually the croc behind you that you have to worry about. Just saying'
