Sunday, July 24, 2011

America Sundays

Sorry I've been slacking on the blog recently. I get so many emails everyday with people like, "hey, you need to write more! I love your stuff!" Hard to have so many fans sometimes.

The past few Sunday nights I have indulged in some very non-Ghanaian food. The Paloma Hotel, where I watched the B's win the Cup, is generally an ex-pat haven and they have a nice restaurant filled with comfort food. Tonight I took part in the two-for-one pizza deal with my friend Prince. Usually I get a great white sauce pasta dish--excellent when doused in hot sauce.

It's nice to feel like I get away every once in a while. It's still not the same--small pizzas, always out of buffalo wings--but its a refreshing injection of Western culture into my week. Eating Ghanaian food is a part of the experience, and its surprising how much one can enjoy eating chicken and rice after a while--but I can't do it seven days a week. I just can't. The taxi ride to good ol' Paloma Hotel is sometimes just what I need to cap off another week in Ghana.

Less than 3 weeks left now. I'll be plenty ready to go home when the time comes. Until then, I'll get my America with a big, fat, slightly unhealthy Sunday dinners at Paloma.

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