Monday, June 20, 2011


Today was a great day. I went out to Salomon’s school in Adenta and was just blown away by the work these guys have done. These guys, Salomon and his three Rastafarian friends, have built, maintained, and run a k-4 school for the past few years. They were upset at the level of schooling children were getting in this poor community, so they decided to do something about it—and succeeded through sheer will. They wake up at 4:30 every morning to prepare for the day and they receive hardly anything for what is essentially volunteer work. Also, they feed the roughly 100 students a healthy lunch every day. They get by on donations and its incredible to see what they have done with so little. They love the kids, and its clear that the kids love them. This is by far the coolest thing I have seen since we got here.

The kids were really excited to see us. The original idea was that we would teach them, but most of what I did was play soccer, hang out, and help out when I was needed. It was fun to get all this attention from the kids—climbing all over me, curiously touching my strangely flat hair, singing songs they learned in class. I plan to make the trip to the “Children of God Community School” regularly.
Flat out Hustle

Rastafarians are pretty damn cool.

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